我们很高兴能提供 四个 精彩的全球旅行计划 in the upcoming 2023-2024 school year! Students must apply for each trip they’re interested in, and the application is open until October 19, 2023. The application is an opportunity to express interest and is not binding. More information about the trips including cost and financial aid opportunities will be provided soon. 女士的邮件. 卡门 有问题吗?.
Urban Palimpsest: Exploring Cities Real and Imagined: 2024年3月9日至17日
漫游七座山 伊斯坦布尔 and to traverse its ancient waterways is to experience the accretions of history — from the founding of Byzantium in classical antiquity, 通过两个全球帝国, 拜占庭和奥斯曼帝国, 致世界主义者, 今天的当代城市. 在我们2024年3月的旅行中 伊斯坦布尔, 火鸡。, 借鉴bbin娱乐平台的历史, 经典, 还有数学课程, we will uncover the many layers of history, 文化, and religion discernible right beneath the surface of this bustling modern metropolis. Through visits to archaeological sites in Assos (once home to Aristotle) and in Troy, we’ll explore cities both real and imaginary: ideal cities, 文学的城市, 重建城市, 记得城市.
This trip is open to students in all grades, with preference given to older students.
成本: $4,601
Americans Abroad: The Expatriate Experience in 巴黎: 2024年3月10日至16日
在我们的旅行中 巴黎, our goal will be to explore the expatriate experience and to learn how this historical city functioned as a haven and inspiration for many American writers. Seeking refuge in Europe from conditions that made their lives in America difficult, 这些作家创作了新的, groundbreaking subject matter and style that effectively broadened the American literary landscape. Following in their footsteps, we will set out to see what muse the great city has to offer us. 虽然我们会, 当然, be visiting famous and important locations, the focus of the trip will be on developing our own writing. 每天早餐时, we will generate and craft location-specific writing prompts that we will use to produce our daily writing, 比如一首诗, 一个短篇故事, 一篇文章, or any written form we each choose to use. We will then set out to explore the city with a guide who will provide context for what we will be seeing. 参观了这些地点之后, we will use the late afternoon to continue our exploration, 成双或成组, 然后写. We will then convene for dinner and to have the opportunity, 你应该选择吗?, 分享我们创造的东西. 在完成应用程序时, please tell us something about how you hope to use the trip to develop your own writing. Remember that you do not need to be an experienced writer to qualify for this trip. A mere desire to write is all that is needed. We are excited to read about how you will embrace this opportunity.
This trip is open to 11th and 12th graders only.
成本: $3,789
Take the A-Train: The 艺术 in New York City: 2024年3月9日至14日
New York City is a vibrant hub of visual and performing arts, making it a global cultural epicenter. This trip aims to provide students with an immersive experience in the city’s rich artistic influences and history. Students will have the opportunity to attend performances at renowned music venues including the Metropolitan Opera and the Village Vanguard, visit world-class museums such as the Cloisters and the Metropolitan Museum of Art as well as downtown contemporary art galleries, and enjoy musicals and plays both on and off Broadway. 由北航艺术部领导, this interdisciplinary experience will allow students to explore the vast array of cultural offerings in New York City.
This trip is open to students in all grades.
成本: $1,995
En Plein Air:艺术 & Adventure in the Berkshire Mountains: 2024年6月17日至22日
How does the landscape influence art, and art influence the landscape of the Berkshires in Western Massachusetts? “En Plein Air,” means outside, referring to artists who paint their landscape while immersed in it. 我们也会这样做, 探索博物馆, 多山的小路, 河流, 和农田, while documenting the experience through artmaking.
This program will visit the Clark Art Institute, the Williams College Museum of Art, and the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (Mass MoCA), meeting with curators and museum leaders while getting behind-the-scenes access to the inner workings of the art world. We will hike on some of the most breathtaking trails in Massachusetts, 包括格雷洛克山, the tallest mountain in the state, and get our hands dirty learning about regenerative agri文化.
This trip is open to current 9th, 10th, and 11th graders.
成本: $995